Hi everyone! This is Julia of
The Broke and the Bookish, formerly blogging on my own at
The Competitive Bibliomaniac.
I read mostly historical romance, but can often be found reviewing paranormal romance, young adult books (mostly distopian/fantasy), fantasy/sci-fi, classics,
and the occasional non-fiction book about languages.
Feel free to follow and reblog!
Originally posted on GR in 2010. But I liked this quote and wanted to remember it.
The Spymaster's Lady:
06/12/2010 | page 50 | 13.0% | "So far, I am reading it like I would watch a movie... and I keep thinking how great a movie this would be." |
And since this one is a one liner as well, might as well put it in with the other. Save some space. Also from 2010.
Ten Things I Love About You
06/04/2010 page 138 36.6%""the one so fertile she sent birds into fits of song""