Hi everyone! This is Julia of
The Broke and the Bookish, formerly blogging on my own at
The Competitive Bibliomaniac.
I read mostly historical romance, but can often be found reviewing paranormal romance, young adult books (mostly distopian/fantasy), fantasy/sci-fi, classics,
and the occasional non-fiction book about languages.
Feel free to follow and reblog!
I liked this one, especially the unique setting (a hotel) and plot line of the main couple (dastardly villain and naive princess get together and have to overcome the dastard-deeds and the childlike naivete.)
The secondary characters were a bit cardboardy, especially the new ones. If you didnt get your book yet, then you still have some life in you. HEA syndrome at its best.
Allow me to spoilery rant of a bit:
(show spoiler)
So yeah. To sum up. Loved the plot (except for the anticlimactic ending), thought the leads were okay, secondaries one note, oh and I forgot to mention the info dumps that help us learn all we need to know about Harry. Meh.
I read it on one long day of plane travel and genuinely did enjoy it. I even laughed quite a bit.
Now let's hope Leo in his book doesn't succumb to my second least favorite series happening (the first being that once people are married, have their HEA and pop out a baby or two they cease being interesting or individuals), the secondary male character who was funny and amusing as hell in the books leading up to his, but then falls flat on his face as a lead.. also known as the Colin Bridgerton.
Originally posted on GR in 2013