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Bambbles Rambles

Books, Reviews, and general awesomeness

About Julia

Hi everyone! This is Julia of The Broke and the Bookish, formerly blogging on my own at The Competitive Bibliomaniac.

I read mostly historical romance, but can often be found reviewing paranormal romance, young adult books (mostly distopian/fantasy), fantasy/sci-fi, classics, and the occasional non-fiction book about languages.

Feel free to follow and reblog!

Currently reading

Wanton Christmas Wishes
Eliza Lloyd, Samantha Kane, Kate Pearce, Monica Burns, Madelynne Ellis, Jess Michaels
The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm, Jacob Grimm, Matthew R. Price, Noel Daniel
Progress: 21 %
I Love it When You Talk Retro: Hoochie Coochie, Double Whammy, Drop a Dime, and the Forgotten Origins of American Speech
Ralph Keyes
Progress: 28/271 pages
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Christopher Moore
Progress: 42/420 pages

Review: These Broken Stars by Annie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

These Broken Stars - Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner

Today on The Broke and the Bookish, I review the upcoming young adult space thriller/drama, These Broken Stars. Here are some highlights from my review:



Where to start with this one? I was lucky enough to snag a review copy of this a few months back and I freaking devoured it. I am pretty sure I read it in one cross country plane ride I was so entranced. I took some notes and sat on this until closer to early December, but I think now is the perfect time to introduce you to this book and pre-order. 

Going into this book, I was a littler weary. I actually didn't know much about it form around the net. I literally read the summary, thought "I'd probably like this" and read it. No hype. No expectations. 

Apparently some are calling this "Titanic in space" and I can't agree with that. The only way this book would be like Titanic is if we saw one dinner before the wreck, the ships sinks and we spend the rest of the story learning about how they survived in open waters working together while trying to be rescued

This is a survivalist story and if that isn't your thing, this book wouldn't be for you. Fortunately for me, it is my thing and I really liked that aspect. This part of the book combined with its very original plot suck you in. The characters are what keeps you reading.

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